Parfums Chypre


Iva Chirpanlievaa, Nicolas Garnierb, Fréderic Poitouc, Christophe Morhanged


This work presents the chemical analysis of organic residues extracted from archaeological samples: four completely preserved ceramic vases, discovered in a funeral context in Kition (Cyprus); Attic lekythoi, produced in Athens during the 5thand 4th centuries, exported to Kition and used in funeral rituals. The aim of our study was to determine the use and the function of these Attic vases taking part within the framework of Phoenician local customs. The invisible impregnations let by the original content in the inner sides of the ceramics have been analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS).This analytical approach is of great archaeological significance because it helps discovering the contain and use of vases. Our study succeeds in identifying the presence of unguents in two of the vases, composed of Styrax and Pinus Pinasterand of dairy product (milk, cream, butter) and oil in the two others. We aim to discuss  the use of imported vessels from Greece in a different cultural environment.

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a Archaeologist, Orient et Méditerannée, UMR CNRS 8167, 27, rue Paul Bert – 94204 Ivry sur Seine cedex, France.

b SAS Laboratoire Nicolas Garnier, 32 rue de la Porte Robin, 63270 Vic-le-Comte, France. Associated researcher to AOROC ENS-Ulm (UMR CNRS 8546) and ArScAn-Paris Nanterre (UMR CNRS 7041).

c Laboratoire Signatures (, Av. JRGG de la Lauzières, 13100, Aix en Provence

d IUF, Université Aix-Marseille, CEREGE, UM 34, Europôle de l’Arbois, F 13545, Aix-en-Provence, France.